My goal is to provide summaries and thoughts on topics that most people probably don’t have the time and interest to research on their own.  I like discussing politics & society, science & technology, and where to get a good meal. 

All the mistakes and errors in my writing are my own.  If you see that I got something wrong (or just want to share a recommendation for a good dim sum restaurant), feel free to leave a comment or reach out. 

This site is not monetized.  I don’t run ads or trackers, I don’t gather and sell your data, and I don’t do affiliate marketing.  If you like what you’ve read and want to help keep this site going, please consider donating to help with domain registration and hosting fees.  If you don’t like the site and want it to shut down, you should let me know why and then make a larger donation.  After all, everyone has a price.

Use the Contact page for Venmo or PayPal info.

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